The Goldfields Golf Club is based at the new Graham Marsh–designed Kalgoorlie Golf Course in the City of Kalgoorlie–Boulder, Western Australia.

From the main intersection of Hannan and Maritana Streets head north–west on Maritana Street continuing along Graeme Street. Turn left at Aslett Drive in Hannans (immediately before the Boulevard Shopping Centre). The entrance to the course is the first turn to the left from here. The entrance is well sign–posted.

Total distance from town is approximately 3.7km.

Address: 93 Aslett Drive, Karlkurla WA 6430 - Postal Address: PO Box 8246, Hannans WA 6433 - Phone: +61 8 9021 1330 - Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Club Administrator
(No Bookings)
Cathy Gaby
P: 9021 1330
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Mens Captian
Lui Camporeale
P: 0407 990 210
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Junior Golf Co-Ordinator
Farley Fawkes
P:0427 399 813
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Pro Shop
P: 9026 2626
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